Fashion Label Bellasor Offers Exclusive Discount

"By woman for women" is the principle of the fashion label Bellasor, founded by ISM student Anna-Lena Bundt. Bellasor represents feminine and timeless fashion. With designs made of high-quality and natural materials, Bellasor wants to support women in finding a self-defined style and strengthen awareness for resources, the environment and nature. The Hamburg-based label is now offering an exclusive discount for alumni on company discounts.  Read more...

New Survey Group For More Insights Into Research Trends

Many of you will still know it from your own student days: The Bachelor's or Master's thesis is due, data has to be collected, surveys have to be evaluated and the required participants are hard to recruit. The actually interesting topic of the thesis can suddenly become a torture.  Read more...

LinkedIn Hacks Part 1: How to Produce Good Content?

Everyone is talking about personal branding nowadays. The business platform LinkedIn is no longer just used to expand one's network or identify new customers, but also to present oneself - Be it as an expert or a proud employee who reports on his or her everyday work. But how do I provide my community with good content?  Read more...

Food Supplement Meets Female Empowerment

With her vitamin start-up carefuel, Vanessa not only wants to create a positive experience for women, but also to drive FemCare and Female Empowerment. In the interview she talks about her motivation, visions and tips for success.  Read more...

Climate Protection in 60 Seconds

Planting trees with an online platform - ISM alumnus Daniel shows how it works  Read more...

Benefit From Our New Corporate Discounts

Alumni Management expands it's corporate partnerships and offers you new, exclusive discounts.  Read more...

More Training Opportunities - More Discounts

ISM is growing! And with it, the range of continuing education opportunities. In addition to new university certificates, you can now get even more discounts on your training.  Read more...

The Alumni Management Team Grows

As of now, there is another contact person for ISM Alumni Management.  Read more...

Study shows the most important skills of the next 5 years

The digital transformation not only creates new jobs, but also requires new skills. The joint study by Kienbaum Institut @ ISM and Stepstone shows which skills will become important in the next 5 years and how the learning of the future can be designed.  Read more...

Business Coach: Zertifikatskurs mit dem Kienbaum Institut @ ISM

Die Ausbildung zum Business Coach an der ISM Köln geht in die nächste Runde. Starttermin ist der 1. Oktober 2021.  Read more...
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