In jedem Land und an jedem Ort wartet immer eine neue Erfahrung, auf die ihr euch einlassen solltet“, sagt ISM Alumnus David Abt. Beim Summit International Careers an der ISM Frankfurt begeisterte er die Studierenden mit seinen persönlichen Geschichten rund um den Schritt ins Ausland. „Es lässt sich nicht alles in Zahlen ausdrücken, aber Unternehmen profitieren von Vielfalt und Internationalität. Mir persönlich hat die Arbeit im Ausland geholfen, mehr Selbstvertrauen zu entwickeln.“

David Abt spent his semester abroad during his undergraduate studies in International Management in Marseille and Boston. Today, he lives in Dubai and works for the Delta Partners Group, a consultancy with a  focus on companies in the telecommunications, media and technology sectors. The Frankfurt summit also meant a reunion for him with his former fellow student Jan-Cayo Fiebig, who advised the participants not only in terms of their career, but also in terms of their personal development.

"During my study time, ISM was the most international university I could choose," explains Cayo, who already lived in twelve different countries since graduating ten years ago. "The world does not work as straight-forward as you think and your life plans will change again and again. In 2014, my parents have been on vacation while I was working at the Founder Institute StartUpBootcamp in Denmark. When they came back, I was in Bangladesh and started my own business. "

The company was CodersTrust, which has supported 40,000 freelance emerging economists since its foundation with a learn-and-earn platform. Today, Cayo is back in Denmark and invests in start-ups with its venture capital firm 3B Ventures to solve social problems in Asia through technical innovation.

In a subsequent Q&A session and networking table, the students could get in touch with the alumni and  ask  questions about their individual career planning and the opportunities and challenges involved in making a move abroad.