Virtuelle Veranstaltung

Detachment@Home Office - Wie man eine gesunde Grenze zwischen Arbeit und Freizeit auch im Home Office bewahren kann

14. Mai 2020 von 18:0018:45
An-/Abmeldefrist 13. Mai 2020
Vergangene Veranstaltung

Wireless access to the Internet facilitated by smartphones and tablets has changed when, where, and how many hours we work. In our modern society work involves connectivity, immediacy, and blurring boundaries between work and private life. Psychological researchers have shown that people increasingly feel compelled to respond immediately to work-related messages, even when working at home, during evening hours, weekends, and holidays (e.g. Davis, 2002). Thus, some researchers even refer to modern communication technologies as an “electronic leash” that ties employees to their work and making psychological detachment almost impossible. However, the ability to distance oneself from work mentally is crucial to stay healthy and vigorous (e.g. Sonnentag & Kruel, 2006). In this session, the learnings from psychological studies regarding the opportunties and risks of working at home for psychological detachment are presented. We will share ideas with which routines and strategies detachment might be supported even during longer-lasting periods of working at home such as the current „lock down“ due to the coronavirus crisis.

Vortragssprache: Englisch

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