Virtuelle Veranstaltung

Beyond The End Of Growth: Green Growth, Degrowth, Next Growth?

30. April 2020 von 18:0018:45
An-/Abmeldefrist 29. April 2020
Vergangene Veranstaltung

Covid-19 is a catalyst for structural change in the global economy that has been already underway since the Great Recession of 2008 and the unfolding global climate crisis of the past three decades. One aspect of significance and cause for concern is the changing nature of economic growth. Since 2008, growth has not been the same as before. Both economic and ecological limits to growth are becoming increasingly real and thus we need to understand new forms of growth, including the possibility of abandoning the concept altogether. This talk will shed some light on the possible end of growth, some new forms of growth, as well as growth alternatives.

Vortragssprache: Englisch

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